Kamis, 18 September 2014

Stay Young & Beautiful Forever

Secrets of Staying Young:

Dear ladies! Today I am going to discuss the some very beneficial beauty tips or secrets of staying young forever with you. Hope these secrets help you a lot. If the signs of ageing are becoming visible then there is great chance to hide these sign by acting upon these tips which are shown below. The teenage girls can keep themselves young forever by adding these tips into their daily routine. Read & act!

Avoid Stress & Stay Happy:

1 Best Secrets of Staying Young and Beautiful Forever (2)
First of all a very golden secret of staying young forever is to avoid stress as much as it is possible for you. It mostly happens into your life that you feel sorrow on someone’s death, on failure, on crashes which mostly occurs into your life. So at that time never letdown yourself. Always be hopeful. Think positive. Tears happen into your life but the right way is to tolerate, feel sad, and move on. Don’t be rigid.
For the purpose of avoiding stress, you can travel whenever you are able.
You can plan fantastic things for avoiding stress such as a picnic with your friends or a meal with your loved one in hotel.
During stress never sit all day in your rough or bedclothes. Get up & dressed up. Then enjoy the company of your dear friends.
Always try to use your brain by playing various interesting brain games at home, with friends or family member it will surely wakes up your all brain cells. It results in strong memory.

Balanced Diet:

2 Best Secrets of Staying Young and Beautiful Forever (4)
Always try to keep balanced diet. Proper usage of fresh fruits, vegetables & fresh juices can helps you maintain your figure. It also saves your from obesity problem. Fruits, nuts, and vegetables all these things are usually rich in antioxidant that inhibits oxidation such as vitamin C or E (that usually removes potentially damaging oxidizing agents from your body). Vitamin “C” is found in amla, grapefruit, guavas, strawberries, oranges, tomatoes, litchis and cabbage while Vitamin E is found in avocados, almonds and kiwi. Use apricots, carrots, mangoes, papayas, sweet potatoes, spinach, and broccoli because all these have lots of health benefits. Avoid those food items which have more fats. Always eat less. Chew food. Stop eating a large amount of food. Balanced diet also keeps away the diseases of heart, cancer, stroke, diabetes etc.

Drink Plenty of Water:

3 Best Secrets of Staying Young and Beautiful Forever (5)
Water also plays a very vital role in order to make you look younger. Some benefits of drinking water are it hydrates your skin. It also improves the elasticity of the skin. It helps in digestion process. It also helps in body fitness. It hides ugly wrinkles. It provides you Energy.  It makes your skin glowing. It also acts as a cleanser into body. Try to drink almost 7 to 8 glasses of water in a day. No doubt water keeps you beautiful & younger.