Minggu, 14 September 2014

Best Tips For Long and Healthy Hairs

Now a days, every women want long and healthy hairs. It is the dream of every women because long and shiny hairs always give a compliment in every walk of life. We all know that the long and beautiful hairs are the everlasting wish of each woman. Women can enhance their beauty by making of different hairstyles with long hairs. But sometimes it is very difficult to getting long and healthy hairs because the pollution and certain weather conditions always affect our hairs and we face the problems of hair falling, hair dryness and damage. In these situations it is best to use some home remedies or natural tips that can help the hairs grow fast with thickness and beauty. Here in this post you will find some best tips for long and healthy hairs below.

Best Tips For Long and Healthy Hairs

 1. During the season of summer and winter, you should have to use oil within the hair in bath. Always massage your hairs twice in one week to get healthy and long hairs. Apply the oil in such way that it reaches down in the roots.
2. In winter season you should avoid washing your hairs in long and cold bath. Excessive amount of cold water will destroy the roots of your hairs and make it rough and dull. Always use hat or cap while moving outside from home to protect your hairs from weather.
3. Always avoid a make of mistake of combing in wet hairs because wet hairs are already weak and your combing will make them rough that can cause of hair losing. Always let the hairs get dry naturally and then comb your hairs.
4. You can try so many hair care treatments for long and healthy hairs. You can use a simple home remedy of egg and milk. Mix the mixture of egg and milk in equal amount and apply it over the hair roots for 3 to 4 hours.
So, all girls out to be there who want to get long and healthy hairs must follow these above hair care tips right now.